1. část - gramatika

Vyberte slovo, které se do věty nejvíce hodí. Vždy je pouze 1 správná odpověď.

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1) It ….......... a cat.

2) I ….......... at home.

3) They …........... happy.

4) There …........... a tree in the garden.

5) There …............ trees in the park.

6) This is …... book.

7) These are …....... tables.

8) I have a car. …...... car is blue.

9) The plural of a car is …................

10) The plural of a woman is …...............

11) The plural of a bus is ….................

12) My sister …............. at school.

13) My sister is …................

14) My brother ….............. at university.

15) My brother will be …................

16) My mouth is ….......... my nose.

17) There …........ hair on my head.

18) The first working day of the week is …..............

19) The fourth day of the working week is …...............

20) The seventh month of the year is …...................

21. The last month of the year is …..................

22) My birthday is …....... March.

23) I play volleyball …..... Mondays.

24) Tuesday is ….............. Wednesday.

25) Saturday is after ….............

26) The sun …................ now.

27) It …............... a lot in autumn.

28) How …............ sisters have you got?

29) How ….......... time do you need?

30) There is …............. bread on the table.

31) I am not happy, I have ….......... good friends.

32) My mother is in the kitchen. She …..................... lunch.

33) My father is in the living room. He …..................... football.

34) I go to work …......... train.

35) I like travelling …...... plane.

36) I am lazy. I …..................... sports.

37) What …......... you do on Sundays?

38) What food …......... she like?

39) I usually ….............. tennis at the weekend.

40) My brother isn't here at the moment. He …................... in the lake.

41) He has a house. It's …............. house.

42) She lives in a flat. It's …............ flat.

43) I am reading a book. It's …........... book.

44) We’ve got a cottage. It's …............ cottage.

45) They are washing …............ hands.

46) I have a new phone. …........ colour is black.

47) Today she …........................ a beautiful dress.

48) I …....................... a hat in spring.

49) He’s cold now. He …........................... a jacket.

50) We often …............. shirts to work.

2. část - poslech

Nyní si poslechněte tuto ukázku:

His name is Bob Carpenter.

He is a doctor.

He is 40.

He lives on the third floor.

There are three rooms in his flat.

His sister is 25.

He has a dog.

He goes swimming on Fridays.

He doesn't play football.

He can make the best cheesecake.

He never cooks.

He doesn't like beer.

He likes wine from France.

The cafe is far from his flat.

He drinks coffee without milk.
